
Boiler noises are common and often harmless. The boiler can be noisy for a variety of reasons, but it’s important to understand what the noises mean so that you know when you should call a plumber or contact an emergency service.

Loud Banging Noises

If you are hearing loud banging noises from your boiler, there are several possible causes. The first thing to do is to check the components of your system that could be causing the noise. This can include:

  • Your heat exchanger or boiler itself (the part where steam is created) – if these parts are damaged or worn down, they may produce a banging sound when in use. If this is the case, you’ll need to replace them with new ones.
  • Your water pump – If this component becomes damaged or faulty over time and begins making strange noises while running, it could cause loud banging sounds as well. You’ll want to replace this part immediately if this happens so that it doesn’t continue damaging other parts of your heating system as well!

Gurgling Noises

Gurgling noises are a common problem in boilers. In most cases, this is caused by air trapped in the system and can be easily fixed by bleeding out the air from your system. However, if you’re still experiencing gurgling noises after bleeding your system it may be time for a professional inspection to ensure everything is running smoothly and that no further damage has been done.

Vibrating Noises

Vibrating noises are typically caused by the boiler not being level. If your boiler is on an uneven surface, this can cause it to rock back and forth as it operates. This will cause vibrations that you can feel through your home’s foundation, as well as hear through walls and floors.

The easiest way to check if your boiler is level is by placing a bubble level across its top surface. If one side appears higher than another, try adjusting its position until there are no more bubbles showing in any direction.

If this doesn’t solve the problem, try adjusting each leg until all four legs are perfectly level with each other on flat ground. If possible use shims underneath each leg for extra support.

Kettling Noises

If you hear a hissing noise coming from the heating system, it’s likely that there is a blockage in the pipes. This can be caused by debris or scale build-up that has built up over time and prevented water from circulating properly. If this happens, your boiler will try harder to get the water moving again by increasing its pressure and forcing more water through the system in order to clear out any blockages.

Rattling Noises

If your boiler is making a rattling noise, it could be coming from one of three different places. The first place to check is the fan blade. If the blades are loose or damaged, they will rattle and make noise when they spin. The second place to check would be any obstructions in the pump area (if you have an oil-fired boiler). If there is anything blocking either of these parts, it will cause vibration which can lead to loud noises being emitted from under your floorboards or walls where these components are located.

The final thing we recommend checking for when dealing with rattling sounds coming from inside your heating system would be whether or not there are any obstructions on top of or around the burners themselves. These can also cause vibrations that result in audible noises coming from within boilers as well.

Loud Humming Noises

While humming noises are often a sign of a problem, they can also be caused by the boiler’s fan. The fan is a safety feature that prevents overheating and will run when it senses high temperatures inside the unit. If your boiler makes loud humming noises, check to see if your heating system has been running for an extended period of time without being turned off or if it has been operating at higher temperatures than usual.

If you’ve ruled out these possibilities and still hear loud humming sounds coming from your heater, then there may be debris in or around the fan blades of your heating system’s blower motor assembly causing them to vibrate against each other at certain speeds. And this will result in vibrations that sound like hums coming from inside your home!

Clicking And Tapping Noises

The clicking and tapping noises you hear could be caused by a leaking or loose connection.

If the noise is coming from your boiler, it could be a loose connection or a leak in one of its internal parts. These are easy fixes that can be done yourself with some simple tools and know-how, but if you’re not sure what else might be going on with your boiler then we recommend hiring an experienced professional to take care of it for you!

Buzzing Or Whining Noise

Buzzing or whining noises could be caused by a malfunctioning valve or pump. If these components are the issue, they may need to be repaired or replaced. You can regularly check and lubricate moving parts can help prevent such noises.

Whooshing Noise

A whooshing noise is usually caused by air in the system. This can happen if you have recently opened up your radiators for cleaning or maintenance, or if you have recently had work done on your boiler.

To fix this problem:

  • Turn off the boiler and open all of the radiators, including hot water cylinder valves.
  • Open all bleed valves to release trapped air from around pipework joints and connections within a boiler system (you may need an engineer’s help with this).


If you hear a noise coming from your boiler, it’s important to identify the cause and take steps to fix it. If you have a question about your boiler or need help identifying the source of an unusual noise, contact us today!

About Dabonn

About Dabonn

Zhengzhou Dabonn Energy Co., Ltd.

We have more than 20 years of experience in boiler system equipment research and development and manufacturing. And committed to designing and producing boilers that suit your needs, including fire-tube, water-tube, and steam boilers, while also staying up-to-date with the latest technological boiler.

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